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PROJECT 1  |  Barcode: 660251537290

Project 1 Greens Superfood - Reds Pomegranate Rasp Berry

229.00 SR


Introducing PROJECT 1 - SUPERFOOD GREENS POWDER - REDS POMEGRANATE RASPBERRY, the all-in-one solution for optimal health. Packed in an 8.04 oz container, this super greens powder is meticulously crafted to support immunity, provide clean energy, and enhance digestion and gut health, ensuring you feel vibrant and revitalized every day.

Each serving is bursting with organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free ingredients, catering to vegan diets and ensuring that you only consume the purest, most wholesome nutrients available. With 30 servings per container, you can effortlessly integrate this powerhouse into your daily routine, making wellness a seamless part of your lifestyle.

Our superfood blend features the exquisite flavors of pomegranate and raspberry, delivering a delicious and refreshing taste with each scoop. It's not just tasty; it's also a potent mix designed to bolster your immune system, keeping common ailments at bay. You'll experience clean, sustained energy throughout the day without the crash that often accompanies caffeine and sugar-loaded alternatives.

Digestive health is at the core of overall well-being. PROJECT 1s unique formula aids in promoting a healthy gut, optimizing digestion, and improving nutrient absorption. Say goodbye to uncomfortable bloating and irregularity and hello to a balanced, harmonious digestive system.

Overall vitality is within reach with this comprehensive superfood greens powder. PROJECT 1 is more than just a supplement; it's a way of life. Boost your wellness journey with PROJECT 1 - SUPERFOOD GREENS POWDER - REDS POMEGRANATE RASPBERRY and feel the difference in your energy levels, digestion, and immune health.

Start today and transform your health with PROJECT 1.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Camilo Reynolds

اشتريت منتج "مشروب الأطعمة الخارقة الخضراء والحمراء بنكهة الرمان وتوت العليق" من ويلزو، وأريد مشاركة تجربتي. النكهة رائعة ومذاق الفاكهة مميز بالفعل، كنت أرغب في تحسين نمط حياتي الغذائي وهذا المشروب كان إضافة مثالية.

المنتج يسهل تحضيره بشكل كبير ويذوب سريعاً في الماء بدون أي مشاكل، أضفه إلى روتيني اليومي وشعرت بزيادة في مستوى طاقتي وتحسين مزاجي بشكل ملحوظ. المكونات الطبيعية والجودة العالية للمنتج تمنحني الثقة لتناوله بانتظام.

استفدت كثيراً من تناول هذا المشروب وأشعر أنه يجعل جسدي أكثر صحة وحيوية. سأستمر في استخدامه وأوصي به لكل من يبحث عن خيار صحي ولذيذ.

Kyleigh Bauer

لقد كانت تجربتي مع منتج Project-1-Greens-Superfood-Reds-Pomegranate-Rasp-Berry من Welzo رائعة بحق. يعكس هذا المزيج المثالي من المكونات الطبيعية التزام العلامة التجارية بالجودة والصحة. الطعم لا يصدق، ولم يكن من الصعب دمجه في برنامجي اليومي. أشعر بالمزيد من النشاط والحيوية، ومعدتي أصبحت أكثر استقرارًا منذ أن بدأت باستخدامه. إذا كنت تبحث عن مكمل غذائي طبيعي يضيف لمسة من الطاقة لصحتك اليومية، فهذا المنتج هو الخيار المثالي.

في إجازتي الأخيرة، جربت عدة منتجات مشابهة لكنني وجدت أن Project-1-Greens-Superfood-Reds-Pomegranate-Rasp-Berry يتفوق عليها جميعًا بفضل تركيبته الفريدة ونكهته اللذيذة. استخدام هذا المكمل أضاف لي شعورًا بالنشاط والحيوية العامة وأنصح به كل شخص يهتم بصحته العامة.

بعد بحث طويل عن المنتج المثالي لدعمي الغذائي اليومي، وجدت Project-1-Greens-Superfood-Reds-Pomegranate-Rasp-Berry وقررت تجربته ولم يخيب أملي على الإطلاق. الجودة العالية والطعم الرائع جعلا هذا المنتج جزءًا أساسيًا من روتيني اليومي. أشعر بفوائد كبيرة على صحتي وجسمي منذ أن بدأت في استخدامه وأوصي به بشدة لكل محبي العناية بالصحة والرفاهية.

المنحه الجديدة التي أضفتها لروتين حياتي اليومية تمثلت في Project-1-Greens-Superfood-Reds-Pomegranate-Rasp-Berry ولا يمكنني أن أكون أكثر امتناناً لهذا القرار! لاحظت الفرق الكبير في مستوى طاقتي وتركيزي منذ البدء باستخدامه كما أنه سهل التحضير ويأتي بنكهة لذيذة يجعل كل صباح بداية مشرقة ومفعمة بالحيوية والثقة بالنفس كنتيجة لتحسن حالتي الصحية بشكل عام

Alonso Conrad

I recently had the pleasure of diving into the Project-1 Greens Superfood Reds Pomegranate Raspberry blend from Welzo, and it has been an absolute game-changer for my daily routine! From the moment I opened the package, I was met with an inviting and refreshing scent that hinted at the vibrant flavors within.

Mixing the powder was a breeze. It blended smoothly with water and gave off a beautiful, rich color that was as enticing to see as it was to sip. The taste? Simply delightful. The combination of pomegranate and raspberry is perfectly balanced, delivering a burst of sweet and tangy notes that made me look forward to my daily glass. Unlike other superfood powders I've tried, there was no chalky aftertaste – just clean, refreshing goodness.

Beyond the fantastic flavor, I’ve noticed a remarkable improvement in my energy levels and overall well-being since incorporating this superfood blend into my routine. I feel more alert and vibrant throughout the day, and my digestion seems to have improved too. Knowing that I'm fueling my body with such a nutrient-dense drink has been incredibly reassuring. Plus, it's great to know that I'm getting a potent blend of greens and reds in one convenient and delicious package.

The convenience of ordering from Welzo online was another major plus. The website is user-friendly, the checkout process was seamless, and my order arrived promptly, well-packaged to ensure freshness.

Project-1 Greens Superfood Reds Pomegranate Raspberry has quickly become a staple in my kitchen. It’s not just a supplement; it’s a delightful addition to my lifestyle. If you're looking to boost your daily intake of greens and reds in the most delicious way possible, I wholeheartedly recommend giving this a try. You won't be disappointed!

Jade Clarke

لقد كانت تجربتي مع منتج "مشروع-1-جرينز-سوبرفود-رييدز" بنكهة الرمان وتوت العليق مذهلة بكل المقاييس. الطعم الفريد والمميز يجعله إضافة مثالية لروتيني اليومي، وقد لاحظت تحسناً ملحوظاً في مستويات الطاقة والنشاط منذ أن بدأت في استخدامه. المنتج يتميز بمكوناته الطبيعية عالية الجودة ويمنحني شعورًا بالانتعاش والحيوية.

إحدى النقاط البارزة لهذا المكمل الغذائي هي سهولة تحضيره واستهلاكه، مما يجعله خياراً رائعاً للأشخاص الذين يبحثون عن حل صحي وسهل الاستخدام. أوصي بشدة بهذا المنتج لمن يرغب في تحسين صحته العامة والاستمتاع بتجربة مغذية ولذيذة في نفس الوقت.

أحببت كيف أثر على جهاز الهضم لدي بشكل إيجابي وحسّن من كفاءته بشكل عام. أيضاً لاحظت تأثيرات إيجابية على بشرتي وشعرت بأنها أصبحت أكثر نضارة وصفاءً.

باختصار، هذا المنتج فاق توقعاتي وأنا سعيدة جداً بنتائجه وأخطط للاستمرار في استخدامه بانتظام وبالتأكيد سأوصي به لأصدقائي وعائلتي.

Frequently Asked Questions

Product Information

What is the recommended dosage for Project 1 Greens Superfood - Reds Pomegranate Rasp Berry?

Please follow the instructions on the label of Project 1 Greens Superfood - Reds Pomegranate Rasp Berryor as directed by your healthcare provider.

What are the ingredients of Project 1 Greens Superfood - Reds Pomegranate Rasp Berry?

We have added an image to the carousel with the ingredients listed for Project 1 Greens Superfood - Reds Pomegranate Rasp Berry.

How should I store Project 1 Greens Superfood - Reds Pomegranate Rasp Berry?

Store Project 1 Greens Superfood - Reds Pomegranate Rasp Berry in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Keep out of reach of children.

Shipping & Returns

What countries do you ship to?

We currently ship to the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain and Oman. To enquire about shipping to a different destination, please contact us via the help centre.

How long will it take to receive my order?

Standard shipping normally takes 1 - 3 days. Next day shipping is available on all domestic orders (for an additional charge). International shipping times depend on the products and destination (estimated at checkout).

How do I return a product?

Items must be returned within 3 days after receiving your order. Items must be returned in the same condition in which they were received, be unopenned /unused, have any tags still attached, and include all the original packaging. We are unable to cover return shipping costs at this time.

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Project 1 Greens Superfood - Reds Pomegranate Rasp Berry - welzo

Project 1 Greens Superfood - Reds Pomegranate Rasp Berry

229.00 SR

Introducing PROJECT 1 - SUPERFOOD GREENS POWDER - REDS POMEGRANATE RASPBERRY, the all-in-one solution for optimal health. Packed in an 8.04 oz container, this super greens powder is meticulously crafted to support immunity, provide clean energy, and enhance digestion and gut health, ensuring you feel vibrant and revitalized every day.

Each serving is bursting with organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free ingredients, catering to vegan diets and ensuring that you only consume the purest, most wholesome nutrients available. With 30 servings per container, you can effortlessly integrate this powerhouse into your daily routine, making wellness a seamless part of your lifestyle.

Our superfood blend features the exquisite flavors of pomegranate and raspberry, delivering a delicious and refreshing taste with each scoop. It's not just tasty; it's also a potent mix designed to bolster your immune system, keeping common ailments at bay. You'll experience clean, sustained energy throughout the day without the crash that often accompanies caffeine and sugar-loaded alternatives.

Digestive health is at the core of overall well-being. PROJECT 1s unique formula aids in promoting a healthy gut, optimizing digestion, and improving nutrient absorption. Say goodbye to uncomfortable bloating and irregularity and hello to a balanced, harmonious digestive system.

Overall vitality is within reach with this comprehensive superfood greens powder. PROJECT 1 is more than just a supplement; it's a way of life. Boost your wellness journey with PROJECT 1 - SUPERFOOD GREENS POWDER - REDS POMEGRANATE RASPBERRY and feel the difference in your energy levels, digestion, and immune health.

Start today and transform your health with PROJECT 1.


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